Monday, November 16, 2009

"Normal Again"

This episode of Buffy was interesting in that it was about Buffy fighting her inner self instead of some other villan. She believed she was in a mental insitution and that her life in Sunnydale was not real. It was a unique plotline in that it really makes the audience question what is real and what is not. Buffy was having a hard time trying to figure out her situation and if the life she has known in Sunnydale was real or just her imagination. She started to think about her life in general and how the idea of vampires and demons seemed fake and that she actually was a sick patient in a mental insitution. Sometimes we get this idea in life where we arent sure if what we are going through is actually reality or if it is just our imagination.


  1. That is interesting how you picked that up. About how Buffy was fighting her inner self instead of some other villain. I guess I never thought of it that way. I just took the literal part of the show about her deciding what is real and what isn't.

  2. You have a really interesting way of looking at this episode. I was like Brian and looked at it from a literal perspective and thought she was fighting between a mental institution and being with her friends, but I definitely see what you are saying about fighting her inner self.

  3. That;s a really good point. I never really thought of it as her fighting herself instead an outter being. That is so true though, she can't fight against vampires if she herself isnt stable
