Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Favorite T.V Show- Entourage

I'd have to say that "Entourage" is one of the funniest show's I've ever seen. The show's storyline is based on Mark Walberg's rise to fame and his experiences in becoming a well known movie star. The series is about Vincent Chase, a good-looking, young actor whose career is on the rise. Vince's three best friends Eric, Johnny and Turtle are all from Queens, New York, and help Vince in his journey to becoming an A-list movie star in Hollywood California. I find the show to be so funny because of the four main guys and the witty comments they make throughout each episode. It gives the audience an inside look on what the life of a celebrity looks like and the people they encounter and deal with. I think the show did a really good job of casting the main characters becasue I find the characters in the show to be the best part. One of the funniest guys in the show is Vincent's manager Ari who is always on Vince's case about something. I think this show is so popular to people, becasue it gives viewers a chance to look at the celebrity life. Everything seems so easy and fun in the show becasue all the guys do is go to celebrity parties, buy nice cars and meet new people. However the show also gives viewers a look at the pressures of maintaining the status as an A-list movie star and the difficulties that come along with it. Entourage is really entertaining and funny and I would definatly recommend it if you haven't seen it before!


  1. I have never even heard of this show before but it sounds really good. I think shows that give you an insight into someone else's lifestyle are always interesting. Everyone wants to know what it is like to be a celebrity, and shows like this help them understand that lifestyle a little bit better.

  2. I've never seen this show before, but it sounds like some lighthearted fun! Noone likes to watch serious shows all of the time, and I think that this show seems very entertaining and appealable to many different audiences.

  3. I have not heard of this show before, but it seems to be a outgoing show. The part when you said you think it is important to cast the right characters, I couldn't agree more. Having the right people play the right parts is very important because it would be hard to watch something when it is not played out correctly. The success of a show or movie depends on how the actor chosen is correctly picked out for a certain character so that the audience can feel the reality when watching it.

  4. I have never even heard of this show before, but it sounds like one that would be addicting. I agree that casting the right actors is very important. I can't even begin to list how many movies I've seen that had potential to be great, but were brought down by actors that weren't meant for the part.

  5. I have only seen a view episodes because I dont have HBO, but from what I have seen, this show is hilarious!

  6. Everyone who hasn't seen it, needs to watch it. Entourage is my favorite show too. It's just a funny relaxing show to watch.

  7. teachers at my high school called me jeremy pivan, I hope he is one of your favorite characters.
