Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Primary Source Video

Primary Source Video- Train Job

So I just finished watching the second episode of the first season of firefly. I've actually found the show to be quite entertaining and action packed. I definalty need a Science Fiction show to be filled with action and suspense otherwise I tend to get bored. An interesting character that was introduced into the show was Niska, who hired the Serenity crew to get the goods for him. He definatly seems like the type of person you wouldn't want to have on your bad side or mess up a deal with. The scene where he shows the dead guy hanging up by his feet to the crew was pretty disturbing. However, the captain seemed unaffected by this and went through with making the deal with Niska. There was one scene that I found quite interesting and proved my prediciton of the captains more sensitive side being revealed. This was when the captain and Zoey found out that their stolen goods were medicine which was not what they had intended to steal. The captain then decides that the medicine should be retuned, becasue he saw all the sick people that needed it on the train and sympathized with them. This scene was important to me becasue it showed a more emotional and modest side to the captain. The show ended on a dramatic note when we learn that Niska and his men are after the crew becasue they did not complete the job that he wanted them to.

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