Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Writing Blog 1

Writing Blog promt 1:

Hey everyone, so I'm sure you've all taken english in highschool, well my english class in highschool wasn't your typical class. Our class was made up of athletes with busy schedules. My english teacher would give us a list of assignments and then we were to complete them on our own time. This meant that we didn't have to work on english in every class. We never had any deadlines or due dates but we were expected to get the list of assignments done by the end of the school year. We occasionally would have group disscussions about certain topics and have some class essays but the majority of our work was done on our own time. I have already found english in collage, after only a few days, to be completley different from what I am used to. I now understand that english in collage isn't just reading and turning in essays, but it is more about analyzing and having group discussions to really understand certain topics. We will gain new ideas and opinions by listening to others and what they have to say. I have never been required to do any english work on a computer so this is also new to me. So far, I enjoy using a blog becasue it allows you to express your thoughts in a more casual manner compared to an essay format. I've never had any experience writing for a public audience but I'm sure that after getting more experience with it, I will feel more comfortable. I also think that using commonplace is a good idea becasue it will teach us to go beyond the writing we are used to in highschool. We will not only learn how to improve our accademic writing but we will learn how to relate and persuade the public in our writing as well which is very important for our future careers.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your high school english class sounds pretty cool. I like the idea of being able to work at your own pace, on your own time. I also agree with what you said about commonplace-- it will be a great tool in order to help us with our public writing abititles. Good luck this quarter!
    p.s. (you've been spelling *college* wrong) lol
