Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Highschool is Hell
I found this article to be quite intriguing and witty as it used metaphors to compare reality to fiction. I've never watched "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" before but I find it funny that through all the monsters, vampires and demons at her highschool, Buffy can still worry about not having a date for prom. I find it ironic that someone who already has so much to be fearful of, can still be concerned about the meaningless, everyday highschool drama. This is definatly an interesting point becasue it allows the viewers of the show to be able to relate to Buffy on the same highschool level. The viewers can see that she not only has to deal with her highschool being on top of hellmouth, but she also has to worry about the marks that she gets on exams. I'm sure that this show was a popular one becasue the viewers could sympathize with Buffy knowing that she has to deal with a more extreme version of highschool drama involving zombies and werewolf's. Buffy proves to viewers that their concerns about highschool are difficult but nothing compared to the problems she has to encounter. I especially found the part on pg. 290 to be quite entertaining because it puts a funny twist on reality and fiction. It talks about an episode where a mother takes over her daughter's body so she can live again in her glory days as a highschooler cheerleader. In reality, there are many moms in today's society who act as though they wish they were young and back in highschool again. Obviously a mom taking over her daughter's body is fictional and more extreme but I did find it quite funny.
Primary Source Video
Primary Source Video- Train Job
So I just finished watching the second episode of the first season of firefly. I've actually found the show to be quite entertaining and action packed. I definalty need a Science Fiction show to be filled with action and suspense otherwise I tend to get bored. An interesting character that was introduced into the show was Niska, who hired the Serenity crew to get the goods for him. He definatly seems like the type of person you wouldn't want to have on your bad side or mess up a deal with. The scene where he shows the dead guy hanging up by his feet to the crew was pretty disturbing. However, the captain seemed unaffected by this and went through with making the deal with Niska. There was one scene that I found quite interesting and proved my prediciton of the captains more sensitive side being revealed. This was when the captain and Zoey found out that their stolen goods were medicine which was not what they had intended to steal. The captain then decides that the medicine should be retuned, becasue he saw all the sick people that needed it on the train and sympathized with them. This scene was important to me becasue it showed a more emotional and modest side to the captain. The show ended on a dramatic note when we learn that Niska and his men are after the crew becasue they did not complete the job that he wanted them to.
So I just finished watching the second episode of the first season of firefly. I've actually found the show to be quite entertaining and action packed. I definalty need a Science Fiction show to be filled with action and suspense otherwise I tend to get bored. An interesting character that was introduced into the show was Niska, who hired the Serenity crew to get the goods for him. He definatly seems like the type of person you wouldn't want to have on your bad side or mess up a deal with. The scene where he shows the dead guy hanging up by his feet to the crew was pretty disturbing. However, the captain seemed unaffected by this and went through with making the deal with Niska. There was one scene that I found quite interesting and proved my prediciton of the captains more sensitive side being revealed. This was when the captain and Zoey found out that their stolen goods were medicine which was not what they had intended to steal. The captain then decides that the medicine should be retuned, becasue he saw all the sick people that needed it on the train and sympathized with them. This scene was important to me becasue it showed a more emotional and modest side to the captain. The show ended on a dramatic note when we learn that Niska and his men are after the crew becasue they did not complete the job that he wanted them to.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Writing Blog 1
Writing Blog promt 1:
Hey everyone, so I'm sure you've all taken english in highschool, well my english class in highschool wasn't your typical class. Our class was made up of athletes with busy schedules. My english teacher would give us a list of assignments and then we were to complete them on our own time. This meant that we didn't have to work on english in every class. We never had any deadlines or due dates but we were expected to get the list of assignments done by the end of the school year. We occasionally would have group disscussions about certain topics and have some class essays but the majority of our work was done on our own time. I have already found english in collage, after only a few days, to be completley different from what I am used to. I now understand that english in collage isn't just reading and turning in essays, but it is more about analyzing and having group discussions to really understand certain topics. We will gain new ideas and opinions by listening to others and what they have to say. I have never been required to do any english work on a computer so this is also new to me. So far, I enjoy using a blog becasue it allows you to express your thoughts in a more casual manner compared to an essay format. I've never had any experience writing for a public audience but I'm sure that after getting more experience with it, I will feel more comfortable. I also think that using commonplace is a good idea becasue it will teach us to go beyond the writing we are used to in highschool. We will not only learn how to improve our accademic writing but we will learn how to relate and persuade the public in our writing as well which is very important for our future careers.
Hey everyone, so I'm sure you've all taken english in highschool, well my english class in highschool wasn't your typical class. Our class was made up of athletes with busy schedules. My english teacher would give us a list of assignments and then we were to complete them on our own time. This meant that we didn't have to work on english in every class. We never had any deadlines or due dates but we were expected to get the list of assignments done by the end of the school year. We occasionally would have group disscussions about certain topics and have some class essays but the majority of our work was done on our own time. I have already found english in collage, after only a few days, to be completley different from what I am used to. I now understand that english in collage isn't just reading and turning in essays, but it is more about analyzing and having group discussions to really understand certain topics. We will gain new ideas and opinions by listening to others and what they have to say. I have never been required to do any english work on a computer so this is also new to me. So far, I enjoy using a blog becasue it allows you to express your thoughts in a more casual manner compared to an essay format. I've never had any experience writing for a public audience but I'm sure that after getting more experience with it, I will feel more comfortable. I also think that using commonplace is a good idea becasue it will teach us to go beyond the writing we are used to in highschool. We will not only learn how to improve our accademic writing but we will learn how to relate and persuade the public in our writing as well which is very important for our future careers.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Overall, I thought Serenity was exciting to watch. It was a little slow at the beginning but as the show progresed it started to get more suspensful and dramatic. I thought there was a good amount of action throughout the course of the show which kept me interested. As more characters were introduced the plot became more intense and unexpected. The part where the doctor's sister was introduced was quite dramatic and surprising. I thought this made the plot much more exciting as I found out that the doctor's sister is a genious who is being tracked down by the "Alliance". This added some emotion to the storyline as well because the doctor's sister was held captive by the government and he was doing as much as he could to protect her. There were quite a few twists and turns in the plot line as well that added some suspense. A good example was when the government agent on board was held captive by the crew, and offered one of the crew members money to help him. This made the show a lot more intense becasue I didn't know if he was going to turn his back on the crew and follow the government agent or remain loyal to his captin. In the end, I really enjoyed watching "Firefly", and I would recomend for others to watch it.
Overall, I thought Serenity was exciting to watch. It was a little slow at the beginning but as the show progresed it started to get more suspensful and dramatic. I thought there was a good amount of action throughout the course of the show which kept me interested. As more characters were introduced the plot became more intense and unexpected. The part where the doctor's sister was introduced was quite dramatic and surprising. I thought this made the plot much more exciting as I found out that the doctor's sister is a genious who is being tracked down by the "Alliance". This added some emotion to the storyline as well because the doctor's sister was held captive by the government and he was doing as much as he could to protect her. There were quite a few twists and turns in the plot line as well that added some suspense. A good example was when the government agent on board was held captive by the crew, and offered one of the crew members money to help him. This made the show a lot more intense becasue I didn't know if he was going to turn his back on the crew and follow the government agent or remain loyal to his captin. In the end, I really enjoyed watching "Firefly", and I would recomend for others to watch it.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Hey everyone, my name is Kimberly Bowman and I'm a Freshmen at the Ohio State University on a swimming scholarship. I'm looking to major in exercise science and hopefully own a business with my sister someday. I'm from Surrey, B.C in Canada which is really close to the U.S boarder on the west coast of Canada. I graduated from Semiahmoo Secondary where I was part of the highschool swim team for five years. I was also part of the highschool yearbook committee for two years. I have been swimming competitivly for over ten years and I am now nationally ranked in Canada. My favourite t.v show is Entourage and I pretty much like any kind of music from classic rock to rap. I look forward to meeting many new people this year!
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